
Thoughts on Instagram Favorites

Last week Instagram introduced the option to control your news feed with the Favorites feature.

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June 13, 2023

Who else is feeling conflicted about the feed update on Instagram?

Last week Instagram introduced the option to control your news feed with the Favorites feature.

“Favorites shows you the latest from accounts that you choose, like your best friends and favorite creators. In addition to this view, posts from accounts in Favorites will also show up higher in your home feed.” - Instagram

While this is exciting for the user experience, it will be interesting to see how this will effect the content that brands will need to produce to keep their followers engaged.

Now more than ever it will be vital for brands to post content that is inspiring, entertaining, or educational. All in effort to make it one of the 50 spots on their follower’s ‘Favorites’ feed.

Not to mention, this is starting the transition back to a chronological instagram feed, meaning post times once again may be more important.

As we have seen tons of new updates on the app within the last year we are certain this won’t be the last major change. In their latest blog, Instagram says: “Over time, we’re going to add more recommendations to your feed based on your interests — Favorites and Following are new ways to catch up on recent posts from the accounts you follow.”